I’m trying to render Dhall text templates programmatically from Haskell, building up the necessary context from Haskell. Which APIs should I be using?
I tried to look at how it’s done for the dhall text
comment, and I believe the below code is responsible for running that subcommand. Are those the APIs that I should be using? How can I provide the context from haskell instead of another dhall
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <-
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (rootDirectory file) UseSemanticCache expression
_ <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf (Annot resolvedExpression Dhall.Core.Text))
let normalizedExpression = Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression
case normalizedExpression of
Dhall.Core.TextLit (Dhall.Core.Chunks [] text) ->
let write = case output of
StandardOutput -> Data.Text.IO.putStr
OutputFile file_ -> Data.Text.IO.writeFile file_
in write text
_ -> do
let invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr Void Void
invalidDecoderExpected = Dhall.Core.Text
let invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr Void Void
invalidDecoderExpression = normalizedExpression
Control.Exception.throwIO (Dhall.InvalidDecoder {..})