Merge association lists

I have two association lists with the same key

let foo = toMap { a = [1, 2] }
let bar = toMap { a = [2, 3] }

If I try to combine them using #, I get that foo # bar equals bar and the last value for the a key is chosen.

Is there a way to merge foo and bar to obtain toMap {a = [1, 2, 3] }?

I guess the answer is no due to

After using toMap, it’s no longer possible to compare the keys. Though you can merge all the values, for example if your association list only contains the a key, then this could work:

let Prelude =

let --| The nub function removes duplicate elements from a list.
    nub =
      let elem =
            \(x : Natural) ->
            \(xs : List Natural) ->
              Prelude.List.any Natural (Prelude.Natural.equal x) xs

      in  \(list : List Natural) ->
              (List Natural)
              ( \(item : Natural) ->
                \(acc : List Natural) ->
                  if elem item acc then acc else [ item ] # acc
              (Prelude.List.empty Natural)

let foo = toMap { a = [ 1, 2 ] }

let bar = toMap { a = [ 2, 3 ] }

let Entry = Prelude.Map.Entry Text (List Natural)

in  nub
      ( Prelude.List.fold
          (foo # bar)
          (List Natural)
          (\(item : Entry) -> \(acc : List Natural) -> item.mapValue # acc)
          (Prelude.List.empty Natural)

Results in [1, 2, 3].

Thanks a lot @tristanC.

For what I’m trying to do, I need to have them already as Maps. I think I’ll try to separate a bit more my data to avoid having duplicate keys, so that I can use plain #