Invalid field type

I’m currently running into this error and I’m not sure what is wrong with what I have.

The error output:

> dhall-to-json --preserve-null --explain --file Techport_FunctionCodes.dhall

↳ ./schema/OptionScheme.dhall

Error: Invalid field type

10│     { dlc : Natural
11│     , fields : FieldList
12│     , name : Text
13│     , telemjson : Optional Text
14│     , collection : Collection
15│     }


43│              ./schema/OptionScheme.dhall


The dhall files defining these types:


 { Type =
     { max : Natural
     , interval : Optional Text
 , default = { max = 1, interval = None Text }


let FieldList = ./FieldList.dhall
let Collection = ./Collection.dhall

{ Type =
    { dlc : Natural
    , fields : FieldList
    , name : Text
    , telemjson : Optional Text
    , collection : Collection
, default = { telemjson = None Text, collection = Collection.default }

I believe you need to replace collection : Collection with collection : Collection.Type

That indeed was my problem. Makes sense after seeing it. Thanks!

You’re welcome! :slightly_smiling_face: