Import chaining headers

AFAICT (apologies if I’ve missed something!) the spec is unclear about what happens to using headers when the child is a relative import with its own using headers.

The spec says that “the child import can reuse custom headers from the parent import if the child is a relative import”. The relevant judgement is:

path₀ </> path₁ = path₂
https://authority path₀ file₀ using headers </> . path₁ file₁ = https://authority path₂ file₁ using headers

but what is the relevant judgement for:

path₀ </> path₁ = path₂
https://authority path₀ file₀ using headers </> . path₁ file₁ using headers2 = ???

Should headers2 replace headers? Or should they be merged (presumably right-biased)?

I think I might have just figured out the answer to this - a relative import can’t specify a using clause so this situation doesn’t occur :man_facepalming:

This can be deleted if anyone has permission to do it!

@TimWSpence: No worries! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, that is correct. A relative import cannot have a using clause