Help: can see why these 2 have 2 different hashes

I can’t see why these two don’t have the same hash :sob::blush:

let k8s = sha256:d541487f153cee9890ebe4145bae8899e91cd81e2f4a5b65b06dfc325fb1ae7e

let test =
      λ(cfg : k8s.Secret.Type) →
        let metadata =
              with name = Some "Hello"
              with namespace = Some "World"

        in  metadata

in  test


let k8s = sha256:d541487f153cee9890ebe4145bae8899e91cd81e2f4a5b65b06dfc325fb1ae7e

let test =
      λ(cfg : k8s.Secret.Type) →
        let metadata =
              cfg.metadata ⫽ { name = Some "Hello", namespace = Some "World" }

        in  metadata

in  test


If you pass the first one through dhall normalize, you can see that it’s equivalent to

let k8s = sha256:d541487f153cee9890ebe4145bae8899e91cd81e2f4a5b65b06dfc325fb1ae7e

let test =
      λ(cfg : k8s.Secret.Type) →
        let metadata =
              (cfg.metadata ⫽ { name = Some "Hello" }) ⫽ { namespace = Some "World" }

        in  metadata

in  test

which isn’t the same as your second example. I guess we could in theory simplify one to the other but we currently don’t.

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Note that I opened a proposal a while ago to add support for reordering associative operations, but it was rejected at the time:

If we supported that then they would be equivalent.

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