Documenting Dhall expressions

Hi all,

As approaches completion, we’re starting to be in a good place for a basic module system. As such, I think it’s time we start thinking about documentation. I’ve been looking at what other new languages are doing for this, and both Rust and Idris have special documentation comments, and I think that might be the easiest thing for us.

I propose extending the grammar with new type of comment: ---. This can be attached to any expression, and in fact requires an expression to follow it. We then write dhall doc or something that knows how to turn such a --- annotated AST into HTML or something. Taking the prelude, we might have:

--- The Prelude provides extended functionality for working with Dhall types.
{ List = ./List/package.dhall, Bool = ./Bool/package.dhall }

This would generate some documentation for package.dhall, beginning with a header formed by the --- comment on the record. Next, there would be the documentation for the record itself. At the very least, it needs to show the keys of the record. I have some ideas for what else could go here, but I haven’t fleshed those ideas out yet.

Assuming there is a link to ./List/package.dhall, the user can follow a link to see its documentation. ./List/package.dhall probably doesn’t change (other than having a header), but each the individual functions probably have documentation:

--- Render a `Bool` as `Text` using the same representation as Dhall source
--- code (i.e. beginning with a capital letter)

let show : Bool → Text = λ(b : Bool) → if b then "True" else "False"

let example0 = assert : show True ≡ "True"

let example1 = assert : show False ≡ "False"

in  show

It would probably be nice to show the examples, so I wonder if --- should support interpolation somehow. One option is that --- uses reStructureText with a custom example directive:

--- Render a `Bool` as `Text` using the same representation as Dhall source
--- code (i.e. beginning with a capital letter)
--- Examples
--- ========
---   - .. example:: example0
---   - .. example:: example1

let show : Bool → Text = λ(b : Bool) → if b then "True" else "False"

let example0 = assert : show True ≡ "True"

let example1 = assert : show False ≡ "False"

in  show

This is in a sense not well scoped, so it might be better to move the documentation annotation to the show in in show - at that point example0 is actually in scope. dhall doc would have to document “under lets”, but that seems like it could work.

As a first step, I think we need a standard change that adds --- to document an expression. The rest can be explored in dhall doc, outside the documentation.

How do people feel about this? I may explore this on a separate dhall-haskell branch to see if it works.


I’ve pushed a little MVP here:

Currently it supports ||| documentation comments (--- was chomped by the normal comment parser). There is a dhall doc command that just shows the header for an expression:

[nix-shell:~/work/dhall-haskell/dhall]$ cabal new-run exe:dhall <<'EOF'
||| The boolean value 'True'



[nix-shell:~/work/dhall-haskell/dhall]$ cabal new-run exe:dhall -- doc <<'EOF'
||| The boolean value 'True'


The boolean value 'True'

[nix-shell:~/work/dhall-haskell/dhall]$ cabal new-run exe:dhall -- format <<'EOF'
||| The boolean value 'True'


||| The boolean value 'True'

Does this require changes to the language standard?

It seems like this could be implemented entirely within one language implementation (e.g. the Haskell implementation) which could provide a command-line executable or service for generating documentation that other implementations could reuse.

I’m not sure. I guess at the moment --- is just a comment to any implementation, so the Haskell code could treat --- specially (but still erase it in normalisation) and it would still be standard compliant.

I’ll have a think on that!