Yes, we downloaded the prebuild dhall executables from the releases page.
At the end I recompiled dhall on Amazon Linx 2 (AL2) and that worked fine.
Since it wasn’t that straightforward I leave a description for others who might need/want to do that (AL2 or other Linux flavours). I reordered the various steps so it makes a bit more sense.
So I fired up an EC2 (AL2, t3.large and 30GB volume did the job) and first thing is to install all the dev tools (g++, make, …):
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
Since dhall needs haskell base <4.16 you will need libtinfo.5
sudo yum install libtinfo5
And for a reason I forgot you also need ncurses-compat-libs
sudo yum install ncurses-compat-libs
So you should have all the packages.
When installing haskell via ghcup the tool will tell you that you need a bunch of libraries (curl g++ gcc gmp make ncurses realpath xz-utils). the ones you need should all be present by now (realpath and xz-utils are not available for AL2, but you do not need them)
When compiling the sources with g++ you might encounter the problem that some libs cannot be found (e.g. gmp). Reason is that the link is missing but the true file is present ( So just add some links:
sudo ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
sudo ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
Remember ld -v libname
is your friend in case you need to check for a lib or missing dependency
Now all is set for installing haskell
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Say Prepend and hit Enter until it starts to install and compile. Then wait and hope all works fine
When done read the instructions and source the environment (e.g. source /home/ec2-user/.ghcup/env
ghcup install base version 4.16.x but some dependency of dhall require <4.16. So fire up the config UI:
ghcup tui
Select highest 4.15.x version and activate it. Again download, compile, wait.
At the end you should have two green checkmarks on the left side of the 4.15.x entry.
Now get the dhall code and follow the instructions on the github page. Something like
git clone
cd dhall-haskell/
git submodule init
git submodule update
cabal new-build dhall
Wait and at the end you find the executables in the reported folders.
Good luck!