I’m running into something a bit surprising
I have a setup for creating Docker Compose files (YAML) using Dhall and I’ve put the various bits of configuration into each service’s repo on GitHub. The repos are private so I have a token and I import using
let svcA = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheOrg/svcARepo/master/service.dhall
using [ { header = "Authorization" , value = "token ${env:GITHUB_TOKEN as Text}" } ]
the issue I run into is that if the expression for svcA itself tries to import another service, in the same manner, then I seem to get the following error
↳ ./service.dhall
↳ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheOrg/svcB/master/service.dhall using [ { header = "Authorization", value = "token [secure]" } ]
Referentially opaque import: env:GITHUB_TOKEN as Text
2│ env:GITHUB_TOKEN as Text
Is it not possible to import using headers containing envvars in several levels like this?