Better guide for development setup?

Once in a while I try to look at Dhall and play around with the source-code,
but while the building of the packages seems to be working really well,
when I try to use doctests, or write in an IDE (like vs-code integration),
I am running into many warnigs and errors.

While I could try to complain about particular problems in my setup,
I would much rather just start from scratch and rebuild myself some sort of a blessed-setup,
where doctests will just work and I will be able to use code-completion in my IDE.

Like, I am not even set on using VS Code :slight_smile:

So, what should I use? Double down on nix-shell? Some guide I should read up on?


PS: I made an issue Better guide for development setup? · Issue #2360 · dhall-lang/dhall-haskell · GitHub to ask this, but then realized the forum might be a better way.

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Follow-up discussion here: Better guide for development setup? · Issue #2360 · dhall-lang/dhall-haskell · GitHub

I use the following .ctags file:

--regex-DHALL=/let *([[:lower:]][[:alnum:]_]+)/\1/f,function/
--regex-DHALL=/let *([[:upper:]][[:alnum:]_]+)/\1/t,type/
--regex-DHALL=/< *([[:upper:]][[:alnum:]_]+)/\1/t,type/
--regex-DHALL=/\| *([[:upper:]][[:alnum:]_]+)/\1/t,type/

I think it’s to be used with universal ctags though I guess the Dhall LSP server probably has such features anyway…